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With more and more buildings being multiple storeys reaching over 10m it is becoming more common to evaluate the impact these buildings may have on the local wind microclimate. 


Tall buildings can cause funnelling effects or down drafts local to the area at the base, through the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). These problem areas along with the local site microclimate can be evaluated for pedestrian comfort and safety in order to comply with Local Planning Policy. 

Planning Stages
Illustration of microclimate around massing of buildings


Early evaluation of a massing model of the proposed development allows for mitigation to be avoided and the building itself can be designed to limit the impact on the local micro climate. With analysis at this stage mitigation could be avoided at a later stage or post completion. 

Illustration of Building Microclimate with detailed design


With a detailed design even the small variation in facade design can influence the wind safety at ground level. Analysis can highlight any mitigation measures required before completion that allows more flexibility with design options.

Illustration of design mitigation (post completion)


After a development has been completed,the impact of the local micro climate may not have been fully considered at planning stages. To ensure a safe space to the local area, evaluation can help with possible mitigation measures.


With many local planning regulations the new developments impact on the local microclimate can have a major impact during the planning process. 


Through using CFD, the development impact can be evaluated with the local area being modelled. The analysis can guide the use of remediation to reduce the impact of wind, improving the areas microclimate, through allegations in design or additional landscaping. 


Through using the Lawson Criteria the standing, sitting, walkways and other areas can be classified and evaluated to establish if the area is acceptable. 

Lawson Standing Balconies CFD modelling and analysis
Pedestrian Comfort



Lawson criteria leisure walking icon

Leisure walking


General Safety Issues

Lawson criteria standing and walking icon

Standing & Entrances

Lawson criteria business walking icon

Business walking

Lawson Criteria



A building located in a open field to one located in a city environmental will behave very differently due to the impact of the local weather microclimate. 


Through CFD analysis, a building can be located anywhere in the world, with the local buildings and landscape modelled as well as weather data to establish the wind gust averages local to a development. The analysis allows the areas to be highlighted , possible solutions to be quickly implemented and re-modelled which allowed the design performance improve

Design Performance


Through modelling the local cityscape and simulating the environmental conditions from local weather data, the impact of a proposed development can be evaluated.


The air flow through tall buildings can vary and be directed from architectural detailing and planning. With tall buildings becoming more frequent, the impact the high rise buildings can have on the local environment as well as the forces on the building itself needs to be considered in the design of a proposed development. 

Canary wharf CFD wind analysis air flow
Enviromental Impact


To generate a detailed CFD model, the weather data used to  establish the data boundaries needs to be taken from a local source and interpolated to allow a gust curve from the current angle. 


By using local weather data to the development, that has been averaged over multiple years to account for any anomalies in weather conditions, the results from the simulations can be more reliable and used to inform design decisions. 

Wind Rose
Localised Weather Data


Wind studies come in a range of sizes, from large development with multiple tower blocks, to single towers or buildings. The effect on these buildings and the impact these have on the local microclimate is an a important aspect for both planning applications and for the safety and general use of the buildings. 


See some of our previous projects to better understand the services we can provide

Wind study CFD CAD model of a city
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