Project Status
Project Value
Service Provided
Under construction
London, U.K.
£ Undisclosed
Façade analysis
The Stage development, located in Shoreditch, aims to revitalise the area with multiple building blocks along side open public spaces.
K8T was appointed to evaluate the solar loads on the facade throughout the year to indicate the facade performance requirements. The local city was modelled combined with local climate data to provide a realistic approach to facade analysis.
The Stage will transform a disused 2.4 acre site into a thriving new community comprising of 385 residential units, along with a large quanity of iffuce and retail areas ensuring the vitality within the local area.
The centrepiece of the development will be the excavated remains of the Shakespearean Curtain Theatre, where Romeo and Juliet and Henry V were first performed, within a large public space that incldues a 164-seat indoor auditorium.
A 200-seat outdoor performance space will link to a new, 1.3 acre open square, whilst an existing 19th Century Victorian railway viaduct will be restored to accommodate anʻurban parkʼ on top.

The investing the local micro climate and determining the sun path throughout the day, the amount of solar loads can be better evaluate for the building.
A detailed model of the local area allowed any local shadowing and overhangs to be modelled during the simulations. This was used in conjunction with the local micro climate data to undertaken the required simulation to evaluate the solar loads on the facade of the building.
K8T provided the analysis of the facade to determine the amount of solar loads that may occur. Through modelling the local area and using the meteorological data, the areas of increased solar laods could be determined through identifying hot spots of the facade.
One half of the buildings elevations are protected from direct sun due to a load building located south east. This prevented a large build up in solar radiation.